Monday, June 4, 2012

Madness Monday

Question of the day.

Today's question of the day is: Who is Dorthy Langley?

I have talked to my Aunts and my father but all I have gotten is the name Dorothy.

Dorothy was an older daughter from a previous relationship that my grandfather Ben Langley had before he met my grandmother Berniece.  I have not been able to find her on ancestry or Family search. I don't have any information on her other than who her father is and that she would have been born before 1931.

I had hoped to find my grandfather Ben (Benjamin Franklin) Langley in the 1930 census and thus maybe find Dorothy there but have not had very much luck with that. Where would you look?

Thank you to all from Geneabloggers who have welcomed me to the blogger-sphere

 Update Edit:
I should have looked at Geneabloggers first because they had a better title for this day's post then I did.
Their description of Madness Monday :
             "Madness Monday – create a post with the main focus being an ancestor who either suffered some form of mental illness or an ancestor who might be hard to locate and drives you mad. This is an ongoing series at GeneaBloggers."

Friday, June 1, 2012

Miles Files 11.5

I live on what is called the Eastern Shore of Virginia. We are fortunate enough to have a Genealogist / author Moody K. Miles, III, who has posted on the website linked through the local library his data base that he calls the Miles Files.

This has been an enormous help to me as I have been researching my wife's father's family who has been here since the 1600's.

The Miles Files website is best described by his into:

"The MilesFiles, Version 11.5, December 2011, contain about 63,000 names from the Eastern Shore counties of Accomack and Northampton, Virginia and Worcester and Somerset, Maryland. It includes the first 6 generations of descent of the First Families of Virginia from the Jamestown era (listed in the Muster of 1624/5) that settled in these four Eastern Shore counties. "

I also have several of his books.

Have a great weekend!